Kalyn Kahler reported and hosted an investigative podcast series called “Spiraled” which tells the story of Packers legend Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila and several other ex-NFL players, like Colts star Robert Mathis, who joined an extreme religious group and left their wives and children behind to follow the group’s charismatic leader. Gbaja-Biamila was a local hero in Green Bay until a very strange and public incident turned him from a Packer to a pariah. As she figured out what happened to Kabeer, Kahler dug into the controversial history of the group, and uncovered more ex-NFL players who had a similar spiral. The podcast is an extension of Kahler’s three-part investigative series for Sports Illustrated, which was named an honorable selection in Best American Sports Writing, and won the Pro Football Writers Association’s annual enterprise award.
You can find “Spiraled” wherever you listen to podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiraled/id1763809519?i=1000666769306